I have been in the studio since the 70’s and have a history in painting and photography.
the gift of GOLDEN knowledge
In 1999 I became a “GOLDEN Working Artist” teaching and lecturing about acrylic paint systems. The last two decades of immersion into pigments, mediums, gels and grounds have informed my work.
excess paint on the blue steel tool brings me the horizon of trees in a landscape
energy flow in the studio ...
Vibrations change with the weather as I continue to focus on color, structure and surface response. With the shift to longer daylight hours I find more time to investigate new color interactions and the play between transparent and opaque hues. Sometimes structure is revealed to me as I clean tools:
Paula Booth shaping new ideas for her next project
The valuable friendships in community ground me. The rare but rich “drink and draw” nights with old friends connect me to their work and families. We share history and support for one an-others success in the art world. I find so much inspiration in their work.
Bonnie Hull was my neighbor in Project Space... influencing me with line + color
Last year Cheryl Rogers- Tadevich and Jane Aukshunas and I formed the “GOLDEN Teaching Triad. Each of us offer a unique perspective, skills in process and methods in making art. We drink wine, talk life and design workshops to share in our region.
Best Regards & I hope you explore your incredible energy this summer!